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    HPE 753618-B21 power supply unit 2650 W Grijs

    dit is een refurbished product
    € 35,00 Excl. BTW
    Direct leverbaar
    Partnummer: 753618-B21
    • HP 2650W Universal Hot Plug Power Supply Kit
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    Wanneer het artikel een 'Refurbished product' betreft is deze door ons getest en heeft het een A-grade conditie (tenzij anders aangegeven). Bij Refurbished artikelen zijn kabels, software media en handleidingen niet inbegrepen (tenzij anders aangegeven).

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    HP High-Output Power Supplies provide highly efficient and flexible power options that are specifically designed for the HP BladeSystem c7000 Enclosure. The c7000 enclosure can support up to six Gold (92%) or Platinum (94%) 80Plus certified power supply options, providing high efficiency power solutions that lower your power requirements and decrease data center operating costs. HP High-Output power supply options provide you with the ultimate flexibility of operating in different data center power infrastructure environments with multiple options for AC and DC power input voltages. Each power option supports hot plug installation and removal, providing fast, tool-less access to your BladeSystem c7000 power supplies. Support for HP Power Discovery Services is added by selecting a Platinum power option, allowing you to automatically map the power topology inside your rack, speeding implementation time and greatly reducing the risk of human errors that can cause power outages.

    Highly Efficient and Flexible Power Supply Options for the HP BladeSystem c7000 Enclosure

    • HP High-Output Power Supplies give you the choice of selecting up to six Gold (92%) or Platinum (94%) 80Plus certified power supply options, providing high efficiency power solutions that lower your power requirements and decrease data center operating costs.

    LET OP: Op refurbished producten geldt een garantieperiode van 90 dagen, tenzij anders aangegeven.


    Gewicht en omvang
    Gewicht 2,77 kg
    Hoogte 55,6 mm
    Diepte 705,1 mm
    Breedte 68,8 mm
    Kleur van het product Grijs
    Compatibele producten HP BladeSystem c7000
    Bedoeld voor Server
    Efficientie 94 procent
    Totaal vermogen 2650 W
    Toon meer

    Kempenbaan 34
    5121 DM Rijen
    The Netherlands

    T. +31 (0)161 22 61 41

    KvK. 18080985
    BTW. NL8152.36.700.B01

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